A Diversified excavation, utility, street, golf course and site development company, Cornelius Oregon.
Hillsboro, Oregon
August 2014 – Current
A +/- 75 acre business park, located along HWY 26, 4 miles northeast of Hillsboro proper. Project includes full site development: extensive erosion control, clearing, grubbing, stripping, earthwork, cement soil stabilization, storm water detention facilities, bio swales, underground utilities (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water), paving, sidewalk, signing, striping, electrical, franchise utilities and landscape. Additional elements self-performed on this site included the cement amending of all onsite soils (including fill material, building pads, parking subgrade and road subgrade), floodplain grading/enhancement and wetland creation/enhancement.
Client/Owner: Majestic Hillsboro Brookwood LLC