A Diversified excavation, utility, street, golf course and site development company, Cornelius Oregon.

Stoney Mountain Reservoir

Stoney Mountain Reservoir








A 60 million gallon off-line earthen reservoir constructed within an active landslide area located in the Coastal Mountain Range, nine air miles west of the City of Sheridan.   Site required the movement of nearly 1,000,000 CY of material in order to construct the Key Trench (80’ below existing grade), Northern Buttress, Dam Embankment, and Spillway.  Cement amending of onsite native materials at 9% by volume, crushing onsite generated rip-rap for rock slope protection, the progressive installation of 120” Outlet Structure (60’ Tall), 12” GV with stem guides, 12” BFV with stem guides, 16” Sluice Gate with stem guides, three concrete Type M-O Inlets w/ Grates, Spillway Apron, and the installation of over 2,000 LF of CL52 DI pipe were all elements involved in construction.

Project Costs – $ 5,000,000.00

Client – City of Sheridan

Aerial Photo Provided by SkyShots Photography